Mystcraft 0.11.11 and LookingGlass 0.1.0

If you’ve not already seen LookingGlass, you should probably check it out. I’m releasing the first public API for LookingGlass. The source code will go open source very soon, now, but I want to make sure it’s clean first. Mystcraft got some really cool features this week as well, particularly age recycling. Check out the … Continue reading “Mystcraft 0.11.11 and LookingGlass 0.1.0”

Mystcraft 0.11.4

I hope everyone enjoyed the Mystcraft Easter easter eggs. 😉 This week the biggest feature is a huge performance improvement from threading the chunk profiling. Should help a lot. I also improved some other things, like library generation and localization. I’ve been working on some other things behind the scenes as well; hopefully that will … Continue reading “Mystcraft 0.11.4”