No LookingGlass build this week.
This Mystcraft release is centered around the trading system, which has been in a state of partial completion for a while now. Check out the changelog for what all that means and what else got thrown in. 😀
I’ve also finalized the maven repo for my projects. More info for that will be posted somewhere soon. 😛
Mystcraft is available from CurseForge.
Hi. Just wanted to see if you know whats wrong with the link to your change log. Would appreciate learning about this trading system. Also, I am happy to hear your adopting Looking Glass. It sounds awesome. Looking forward to it.
Heh. I wrote LookingGlass. 😛
The forums are busted and we’re looking into getting it fixed. I lack the permissions to do it myself.
for now, you should be able to see individual change log entries at Curse Forge. The file pages have changelog entries. 🙂