New feature: Thrown items can become entities other than the minecraft-native item entity.
What I mean by this is I’ve made it so dropped items (including things ejected from any inventory) can instantly become other entities. I created an interface that any item can implement. This interface provides an entity object to EntityItem so that when the item entity does its first tick it creates that entity and kills itself. This means that thrown Mystcraft book items now become book entities instantly, exactly as if you had linked through them.
I’d been thinking of adding this feature for a long time, but a discussion RaustBlackDragon and I have been having finally got me to try it. Thanks go to him for really kicking the idea into motion. I’ve sent the code to him as is and will likely run it by cpw to see if it would make a good addition to Forge.
I’m suddenly full of ideas for things this could be used for and it is really well suited to the mod I have in planning. This will be all kinds of handy.