Sorry for the smaller build this week. Hopefully the new mod compensates. 😉
Introducing, LookingGlass.
I’ve moved my downloads over to CurseForge.
LookingGlass is available from CurseForge.
Check the Mystcraft Forums for updates and the change log.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Does this new mod mean what I think it means! Will we have *gasp* Actual animateable link panels? *ungasp*
Yes. 🙂 Also, I like the “ungasp.” 😛 EDIT: See the video link for more details.
That is amazing! I’d hug you through the computer if I could! ^^
Just letting you know that using the most recent Mystcraft (mystcraft-1.7.10-, I’m getting a strange problem whenever I try to load into a single player world. Pretty much, it’s telling me that “A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated,” then it takes me to the multiplayer server select screen. More details and logs are in this reddit post I made yesterday:
Please make a report on the issue tracker. 🙂
I’m still having this problem… An report will be made on the issue tracker as soon as I can get the logs
Report has been submitted
Does LookingGlass function purely client-side, or is the server also required to run it?
It needs to be run on the server in order to pull the data for the other dimensions. 🙂