Which is to say, I am no longer the author of just Mystcraft.
In the past month I have released two new mods (OK, a mod and a half) and demonstrated parts of a third. I can no longer arrange myself as if I am the author of only one Minecraft mod; I now have many.
This means that some areas of my site need to reorganize, particularly treating the site as the home of Me and Mystcraft. Now it needs to be my home, where we can discuss all of the things I’m working on, not just the oldest mod I have.
I’ve already rearranged the forums here, setting things up into a more categorized setup. The layout might change some depending on feedback, but the addition of the categories and space for other mod discussions should be very helpful. The blog and overall site layout will be changing in the near future. I have awesome people who are working on that for me.
I still need to rearrange the wiki, but… that’s more than slightly daunting and also feels like wasted effort. It’s a waste because I plan on killing the wiki.
Now I don’t plan on killing the wiki without a replacement, so don’t worry there.
A long time ago, when creating the wiki for Mystcraft here, I sat down with the other people in the community and we chose DokuWiki. Doku has served well enough, but I regret the choice.
At this point I wish we’d selected MediaWiki. MediaWiki supports much more advanced templating and macros right out of the box. SillyBits wrote a plugin for Doku at one point to add more to it, but it never got added in for various reasons.
At any rate, lots of things are going on in the back here and at some point I’ll swap the wiki out. Depending on how and when we might keep the existing wiki around to help with populating the new wiki, but one of the problems with the existing wiki is that it’s written really badly. More like a forum board or reference manual than a wiki.
Before I let people at the next wiki I intend to specify how it will work and layout some macros, templates, and standards first. I didn’t touch the existing wiki much, intending to allow it to evolve naturally. Natural evolution can end badly, though, is a good lesson here.
I do appreciate the people who have put information into the wiki. They have been really helpful to the community at large. It’s just that the wiki lacks a definite structure and newcomers to it often have difficulty finding anything in it. I want to fix that with the reboot.
This is an upcoming thing, though, and the site redesign is ongoing, so hang on to your chairs and we’ll try to keep you off the ceiling.
Cheers, and I look forward to where this is going. π
-XComp, author of a bunch of things
Well crap. whos gonna continue the pretty much most epic mod yet.
I am. The title was just a play on ambiguity. I am stil lthe author of Mystcraft, I’m just not the author of JUST Mystcraft. π
Most racist title 2015 -IGN
you scared me with that title.
I scared a lot of people with that title. π All meant well and I didn’t torture people with it; I set things straight within the first sentence of the blog post. I just couldn’t resist the joke. π
Certainly caught my eye… I was kinda surprised by it.
You troll :p I havenβt had coffee yet, my brain is not prepared for this level of trickery.
That troll title. Lol